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Prof. Dr. Mangesh Tiwaskar
Vol 72
Issue 7
July 2024
ISSN: 0004-5772
President Elect Message
Milind Y Nadkar
President Elect, API and Chairman Scientific Committee, APICON 2024
  • Dear Colleagues and Friends,
  • It is my proud privilege to extend a warm welcome to all the faculties and delegates attending the Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India (API) (APICON 2024) to be held in New Delhi from 22nd to 25th February 2024. It is my duty to first pay tribute to my mentor Dr Siddhrath N Shah, who has sculpted my API career to reach this peak position I enjoy today. I also thank Dr Y P Munjal for the guidance through my journey in API. I thank Dr K K Pareek also for being a guiding force from time to time and writing the Foreword for 'Medicine Update 2024.'
  • My entire team in Mumbai has been helping me to put the Scientific Program of APICON 2024 in place. It was a mammoth task to prepare a scientific program spread over 2.5 days in which I had great help from Dr Rakesh Bhadade and Dr Anupam Prakash.
  • The scientific committee has tried to put comprehensive, interactive, and clinical-oriented scientific sessions under the theme “Clinical to Digital.” We have invited faculties from across the country who are pioneers in their fields to share their expertise and experiences. I hope all the delegates will have a fruitful interaction with this faculty and enrich their knowledge and skills. Due weightage is given to other aspects like communication skills, physicians’ health, medical ethics, etc.
  • For Free Paper Presentation, we have received over 1,500 papers. These are mainly being presented by postgraduate students and young physicians. Dr Kaustubh Salagre has been instrumental in coordinating poster and platform presentations of free papers. I appreciate help rendered by Dr Ghanshyam Pangtay for free paper presentation.
  • Two volumes of Medicine Update book are being published which includes articles written by the distinguished faculty based on their topic of deliberation. There are over 280 articles in the book which will serve as a reference book with updated knowledge.
  • Venue of the APICON 2024 conference is the state-of-art “Bharat Mandpam” which is the latest addition to the prestige of Bharat which was used for holding the G20 summit recently. Historic capital city of New Delhi gives opportunity to explore many places for the delegates.
  • The APICON 2024 Organizing Committee under the dynamic leadership of Dr Rajesh Upadhay is leaving no stone unturned to make the conference memorable.
  • Looking forward to interact with you in New Delhi.
  • Regards,
Dr. Milind Y Nadkar
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